Tag Archives: Tarot Coaching

The Imperatives of a Good Nights Sleep

Sleep, Calm and Restoration Series Part 1

Good Sleep,create the perfect environemtn inside and outside for perfect sleep Calm and restoration

I am writing this essential sleep series to those out there that may be struggling with what I now see has become a sleep epidemic, I am speaking to you from a place of truly having been there in a truly miserable way. From this place I have learned what I consider to be a dance that we must learn for us to be able to understand and cooperate with this very fine and delicate waking and sleep line that we move in and out of every day.

There are several critical components to this dance that I will certainly cover in this sleep series and which I am confident will enlighten, inspire and prompt you to make some simple changes in your day and the precious time leading up to bedtime.

I am going to offer some prescriptions to adopt and let go of whatever you you don’t like , I understand we all have different lines that we draw in the sand.

So for today we will start at the beginning and ask ourselves;

What is sleep and what does good quality sleep look like?

When we go to bed we seem to spend a little bit of time in light sleep from around 2 -15 minutes and then we drop down into deep sleep – known as NON REM sleep, this is a large amount of deep sleep, we then make our way up into dream sleep state and then drop down into the next phase/cycle of deep sleep

Most of our deep sleep is in the first cycle then a little bit less in the 2nd, 3rd ,4th and on the 5th cycle onwards we don’t really get much deep sleep .

And conversely from the 1st cycle to the next we get a little bit more dream sleep.

A bit about Brainwaves:

In the 1st deep sleep we are in a delta wave sleep, its a very slow brain wave state, there is still quite allot happening in the brain but the way they are occuring is causing this very slow frequency which is less than 4Htz

Dream sleep state: known as theta wave sleep – more active – 4-7.5 Htz , we are dreaming so allot more is happening.

Most people who have good quality sleep tend to have anywhere between 4 to 6 dreams a night, we may not remember them because we are going back up and down too deep and to dream sleep however we do tend to have at least this amount.

Cycles of Sleep explained:

Sleep tends to be in cycles of 90 minutes and this is where I will offer you 2 prescriptions which you can take or leave:

Don’t sleep for 8hrs and don’t set your alarm if you can help it, please let me explain why I say this?

Going through 4 cycles, 4 lots of 90 minutes equals 6 hours, this is quite a lot of sleep and for quite a lot of people, 6 hrs is enough – completing these cycles efficiently can be enough, however, for others completing 5 cycles is enough or needed and that brings us to 7 ½ hrs sleep.

There is a misconception that we need 8 hours of sleep, Why???

There is a misconception that we need 8 hours of sleep, Why???

It is quite trivial really, it is thought that we need 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work and 8 hours of play, but do we really?

Why we don’t want to be sleeping for 8hrs is because if you set an alarm for 8 hrs and you wake up around the 6-hour mark or 6 1/2 hour mark you wake at the top of your cycle, your body here is telling you that its had enough sleep and your rested but because you set an alarm our natural inclination when an alarm is set and we may wake up before it goes off, is to look at the clock and think, ooh’ we have time for a bit more sneaky sleep to get for ourselves but the reason we do ourselves a disservice, is if we jump into the next sleep cycle and the alarm goes off, we have interrupted that next sleep cycle and what happens is that we feel even more exhausted and groggy than if we had woken up naturally when our body told us it was good, we have all been there with that one!.

If you set an alarm try to set it for either 6 or 7/12 sleep cycles, if you wake up naturally then this is your body telling you it’s had enough sleep, and your good to get out of bed.

40% of people do wake up sometime in the night usually between 2/3 am, it’s normal and if you do then you should try to go back to sleep but for those who can’t get back to sleep you could try a protocol by neuroscientist Andrew Huberman called non sleep deep rest, which involves practicing mindfulness, meditation or slow breathing to perhaps reset the hormones and go back to sleep again, and if not you can still certainly reap some of the benefits from doing this practice.

If you would like to learn more about that I have added here a video with Richard Huberman that you may be interested to watch.

I am committed to writing easy bite-size articles particularly when we talk about a subject like this as I am Imagining that you are probably already feeling very tired generally and I’d like for you to be able to take in easily what I am wanting to convey so that you can begin to understand what is sleep is and what are the most conducive ways you can align yourself to this most natural rhythm that are bodies are designed to have.

In the next article, I am going to discuss a crucial biological process that goes on inside each of us that is imperative to sleep happening.

The dance between the hormone of darkness, Melatonin, and the hormone of light, Cortisol.

These are the 2 hormones responsible for creating our Circadian Rhythm, a 24hr cycle of light and darkness.

To continue reading the sleep series please visit bowentechniqueindevon.com, they will be added soon, you will also be able to download for free my bedtime sleep hypnosis recording when you visit this site.

In service to helping you find your way back to delicious restorative sleep and more importantly you believing again that it is possible.

With love



The most insidious self-created energy drain of all.

Tarot coaching consultations

Suffering is an important aspect of life for us Humans, it has to be experienced in its depth to somehow open something in our soul as well as to motivate us to seek true peace, freedom, independence, and self-love.

Self-love is the foundation of our souls and the foundation of our evolution and we are growing into self-love as we grow into ourselves.

It is quite strange how poor the relationship is that we have with ourselves, we live and we define ourselves through all the many interactions we have with the external world and with what kind of input the external world gives back to us.

This never-ending merging with and away from something is certainly a natural ebb and flow of life but if not done cleanly, consciously, and healthily it begins to create energetic threads and forged pathways that go back and forth over and over again making it harder and harder for us to choose other paths or different ways of being and/or ways to communicate.

Cutting the ties that bind
Gathering in the Tendrils

Over time these energetic threads become like Tendrils that upon waking every day become reinforced, rebuilt, and once again almost hypnotically placed back into the external, be that a person, place, an event, a feeling or memory until all those pathways have been created again for another day all before we have even got out of bed because all of these things are, how we know we exist and how we define who we are in each day, its what makes us familiar to ourselves and to others.

The problem with this is that for every tendril we release into the past something or other, the more of our precious energy becomes dispersed and is in a very strange way almost committed to reestablishing that for the whole day, week, month, and often years ahead, the inevitable outcome apart from being completely miserable and stagnant with this rinse and repeat way of life is that our life force seriously becomes compromised and diminished.

There are many repercussions of this which we can see play out in the common themes of Mental and Physical health in society but today for this article, my focus is on one particular area where we lose so much of our energy which is equal to power and that is within relationships, all kinds of encounters romantic or unromantic, however, what I see in my Tarot coaching practice often impacting a person and really holding them back in life is a lot of the time known and unknown to themselves that they are still feeling energetically bound to a past intimate relationship that created entanglement be that a long or short term one. Either way, this can leave devastating effects on our energy system as well as our hearts because of these Tendrils that I already mentioned, and also I feel it’s important to emphasize here that this other person who we feel keeps us stuck and perplexed may not even be alive anymore.

When I am doing a Tarot reading for someone this particular subject we are discussing here can show up in the many meanings and messages of the cards, I can see when the energy is stuck, stagnant, or is hitting a wall and where and when these blockages and barriers are arising. There are Tarot card spreads that can show me where you have been and where you are right now and where the energy REALLY wants to go, there really is no hiding:) and if you are here with me I’m guessing you are serious about not wanting to do that anymore or begin to identify how it is you are doing that.

Bringing all of these things into the light, affirming what’s true, and feeling into what needs to happen for you to give your life meaning and direction again not only creates Impact and Transformation but is also incredibly Healing in a gentle and loving way and the ultimate outcome of this is that you begin to restore and claim back your radiant energy again and can now with direction continue back on your path to living the vibrant life you are destined for but have along the way strayed away from because your energy has become fractured.

In a Tarot consultation as well as using the cards I also may offer ways to help you strengthen what I call your sacred container and today here I wanted to offer something practical for you to do right now to support this process of becoming lighter, centered, and confidently able to release valuable energy that is bound up with another from the past, this can feel massively relieving and create space within us to breathe again.

I have recorded below for you a relaxing cord cutting exercise that you can do laying down or sitting in a meditation posture either one is fine as long as you can feel relaxed and remain alert to follow the practice.

Cord cutting Exercise

If you would like to take your inner work further and go deeper into what is going on and how you can participate with what is calling and changing the trajectory of your life through the use of Tarot then I would be honored to help facilitate that journey with you.

Please visit https://bowentechniqueindevon.com/intuitive-tarot-coaching/for further information or Email Melanie at [email protected]

With love, Melanie